A new virus is spreading massively in Ukraine

A new virus is spreading massively in Ukraine
World 31

The incidence of influenza and ARVI in Ukraine is declining, however, the epidemiological situation remains severe. The main reason for this is the increase in cases of influenza A (strains H1N1 and H2N3) and influenza B Victoria lineage. In addition, low vaccination rates and late seeking of medical help lead to severe complications, particularly bacterial pneumonia.

This was reported by Doctor of Medical Sciences, immunologist Andrey Volyansky in an interview with "Channel 24". According to him, the total number of acute respiratory infections in Ukraine is indeed decreasing, however, severe forms of influenza are causing concern.

Main risk factors

The expert emphasized that the current epidemiological season is one of the most difficult in recent years. Influenza A dominates in the country, with the pandemic strain H1N1 and H2N3 represented in equal proportions. However, over the past two weeks, the number of influenza B cases has increased sharply – almost 100% of them belong to the Victoria lineage.

"All these strains are included in the vaccines, but this season the course of the disease is significantly more severe, and the mortality rate is higher. If the usual mortality rate from influenza is about 0.1%, this year it has reached 2%," noted Volyansky.

Main causes of complications:

Extremely low vaccination coverage – less than 1% of Ukraine's population is vaccinated against influenza.

Late seeking of medical help, which leads to severe consequences.

"Influenza quickly affects the lungs. A person can die as early as 5-6 days after symptoms appear. An additional problem is the indecisiveness of doctors who do not always prescribe specific antiviral drugs. As a result, the disease progresses in a severe form and leads to complications, including bacterial pneumonia," the doctor explained.

COVID-19 has become less common

According to the immunologist, the number of COVID-19 cases this year is significantly lower than last year. Last season, outbreaks of influenza and coronavirus were recorded simultaneously, whereas now the proportion of positive tests for COVID is only 5-6%. At the same time, influenza or rhinovirus is detected in more than 10% of cases.

"The course of COVID-19 has become much milder, and today it can be considered as one of the acute respiratory diseases," concluded Volyansky.

This news edited with AI

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