Weather in Baku: what awaits the capital's residents in the next 24 hours

Weather in Baku: what awaits the capital's residents in the next 24 hours
Society 20

Variable cloudiness is expected in Baku and the Absheron Peninsula, mostly without precipitation.

BAKU.WS was informed about this by the National Hydrometeorological Service.

Short-term rains and fog are possible in some places. Southeast wind is expected.

The air temperature at night will be 3-6°C warm, during the day - 9-13°C warm. Atmospheric pressure will be 765 mm of mercury. Relative humidity will be 70-80% at night, 60-65% during the day.

Weather in the regions of Azerbaijan is expected to be mostly without precipitation with western wind. Fog is possible in some places.

The air temperature at night will be 4-8°C warm, during the day - 15-20°C warm, in the mountains at night - from 3°C frost to 2°C warm, during the day - 8-13°C warm.

This news edited with AI

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