"The principal took 5 thousand manats from me" - New SCANDAL at school

The principal took 5 thousand manats from me - New SCANDAL at school
Society 8

A new audio recording of the director of Baku school No. 301 Sevda Saryeva has spread, who previously demanded in an insulting manner that teachers collect money from students.

As reported by BAKU.WS with reference to Xəzər TV, it becomes clear from the recording that these funds were transferred to the head of the educational institution. Teachers say they haven't seen the director for a long time.

In addition, according to available information, money was also demanded from the parent of one of the high school students, and a school employee was fired for this reason as well.

Thus, Gulyana Jafarova said that the director took 5,000 manats from her, promising to create conditions for her child to attend classes with tutors. Another complaint came from a woman who previously worked in the school cafeteria. According to the allegations, she was fired for refusing to pay the money demanded by the director.

It was not possible to contact the head of the educational institution for comment. In connection with this, the Baku Education Department reported that to ensure effective management and educational process, the temporary duties of the director of school No. 301 have been assigned to Zhalya Magerramova, an employee of the State Agency for Preschool and General Education.

More details in the video report:

This news edited with AI

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