Scientists investigated the burial site of Noah's Ark

Scientists investigated the burial site of Noah's Ark
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Traces of an ancient flood have been discovered in a place where the remains of Noah's Ark are presumed to be located. This discovery may serve as indirect evidence supporting the biblical narrative.

An international group of researchers studied the Durupinar formation - a boat-shaped geological formation located 30 km south of Mount Ararat in Turkey. This structure is 163 meters long and consists of limonite - a type of iron ore.

The formation attracted scientists' attention because its shape and structure have significant similarities to the biblical description of Noah's Ark. According to new data, approximately 5 thousand years ago this territory was subjected to severe flooding.

During the research, scientists collected 30 soil and rock samples from various parts of the formation and sent them for analysis to Istanbul Technical University. The research results revealed the presence of clay-like materials, marine deposits, and even remains of marine organisms, including mollusks, in the soil. Dating of the samples showed their age ranging from 3500 to 5000 years.

The researchers concluded that the Durupinar formation and the surrounding area were underwater during a period that may correspond to the time of the Great Flood. According to a literal interpretation of the Bible, this disaster occurred during the Eneolithic era (5500-3000 BCE).

The dimensions of the formation also correlate with the description of the ark. The Bible states that it was "three hundred cubits long, fifty cubits wide, and thirty cubits high." The exact value of this unit of measurement is unknown. Researchers used the Egyptian cubit (52.4 cm) as a standard and determined that the length of the ark was about 157 meters. The length of the Durupinar formation is 168 meters.

However, the theory that the formation may represent the remains of Noah's Ark faces criticism from geologists. They believe it is a natural geological structure formed as a result of rock erosion by landslide debris. Additionally, it takes millions of years for wood to fossilize, and the ark could not have turned to stone in 5 millennia, reports The Daily Mail.

This news edited with AI

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