Doctor warned about the danger of suppressed sneezing

Doctor warned about the danger of suppressed sneezing
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If a person deliberately covers their mouth and nose to prevent sneezing, increased pressure is created in the respiratory system. This can lead to damage to the mucous membrane, and in some cases to lung injury and pneumothorax, said therapist Andrey Zvonkov in an interview with

According to the specialist, loud sneezing can also pose a danger both to the person themselves and to those around them. A sharp sound can frighten people, and sometimes even lead to loss of consciousness. When sneezing, a person may drop objects, stumble, or cause harm to themselves and others. Zvonkov recommends controlling the process by using a handkerchief or the bend of the elbow.

The therapist noted that some people sneeze particularly loudly. This is not just an individual characteristic, but the result of the body's adaptation to this reflex.

"I just know people who sneeze really very loudly. I myself belong to this category. But mainly the problems that I have encountered with my acquaintances and myself are teeth flying out. Artificial teeth, if they are not secured to the upper jaw," the doctor said.

This news edited with AI

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