Weather forecasters have made a worrying weather forecast from this date

Weather forecasters have made a worrying weather forecast from this date
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Foggy weather is observed in Azerbaijan, which corresponds to previous forecasts. As reports, Deputy Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources Umayra Tagiyeva explained that the fog formation is caused by temperature inversion. This phenomenon occurs due to high daytime temperatures at the earth's surface and nighttime cooling, resulting in warm air being positioned above a colder layer.

According to Tagiyeva, in recent days in Baku and the Absheron Peninsula, the maximum temperature reached +16°C, which is 6.7 degrees above the climatic norm. Abnormally warm weather is also observed in other regions of the country. Combined with the absence of wind, these conditions contribute to the formation of dense fog.

Currently, fog with visibility up to 200 meters has been recorded in Sumgayit, Bina, Guba, Yevlakh, Zardab, Imishli, Sabirabad, Jafarkhan, Bilasuvar, Shamkir, and Lerik. The foggy weather is expected to continue intermittently until February 3.

Tagiyeva also noted that in December and January, the average monthly temperature was 1.2 degrees above normal. Similar temperature conditions will persist in early February, however, starting from the second half of the first ten days of the month, cooling, strengthening of the northwestern wind, and precipitation are expected. Possible cold periods in February will be forecast in advance, and the population will receive warnings 3-4 days ahead.

The Deputy Minister emphasized that despite the abundance of weather forecast websites, information on them sometimes differs from official sources. The most accurate information is available on website and in the Hydrometeorological Service's mobile application.

This news edited with AI

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