Tomorrow, rain and wind are expected - FORECAST

Tomorrow in Baku and on the Absheron Peninsula, variable cloudiness is expected, mostly without precipitation, with gusty northwestern winds.
This was reported to BAKU.WS by the National Hydrometeorological Service.
The air temperature will be 4-7° at night, 8-12° warm during the day. Atmospheric pressure will rise from 766 to 770 mm of mercury. Relative humidity will be 70-80%.
In the regions of Azerbaijan, precipitation is expected, intense in some places, hail, and snow in the mountains. Fog is expected in some places at night and in the morning, with gusty western winds.
The air temperature will be 2-7° at night, 9-14° warm during the day, and in the mountains, 3-8° below zero at night, 0-3° warm during the day.
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