Features of Laylat al-Qadr: what is said about it in the Quran?

Features of Laylat al-Qadr: what is said about it in the Quran?
Society 44

A new episode of the Amin program aired on Baku TV, which discussed important aspects of the Night of Decree (al-Qadr).

As reported by BAKU.WS, the program featured the imams of the Muhammadi village mosque Bashir Mansurov and the imam of the Gala village mosque Elnur Azimli.

They spoke about what the Quran says about the Night of Decree, what deeds and worship believers are recommended to perform on this blessed night, as well as the tradition of holding the Quran over one's head. Special attention was paid to the deep meaning of this ritual.

More details in the video:

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