Virologist's Alarming Forecast: A Dangerous Pathogen Threatens the World

Virologist's Alarming Forecast: A Dangerous Pathogen Threatens the World
World 19

Leading virologist, Doctor of Medical Sciences Svetlana Protasova drew public attention to the potential danger of bird flu mutation. According to the specialist, there is a possibility that the virus may acquire the ability to transmit from person to person.

According to scientific data, when different viral fragments enter the same cell, new gene combinations may appear. Currently, there is no effective vaccine against bird flu, although Academician Ginzburg's team is actively working on its development.

The speed of virus mutation is of particular concern. History shows that influenza can cause a large-scale pandemic, as happened with the Spanish flu in the past.

Protasova explained in detail the mechanism of viral mutation, comparing the process to passengers in public transport. The influenza virus genome, consisting of 8 fragments, can form various combinations when different strains meet in one cell.

This news edited with AI

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