In Azerbaijan, a fine of 6 thousand manats is being introduced for violations

In Azerbaijan, a fine of 6 thousand manats is being introduced for violations
Society 31

In Azerbaijan, cases of consumer fraud regarding the size, weight, and price of goods manifest in various forms.

As reported by BAKUWS with reference to Report, this was stated by the head of the department of the State Agency for Antimonopoly and Consumer Market Control, Yusif Tapdigly, at a training on the topic "Consumer Rights".

According to him, violations of consumer rights include calculating at the checkout at a price higher than indicated on the display, demanding payment in restaurants and cafes above the amount indicated in the menu, understating the actual weight when purchasing goods by weight, as well as including additional expenses in the bill. "Entrepreneurs must provide consumers with accurate and reliable information about the prices of goods and services. All goods sold must be accompanied by information about the name, type, price, and date of production, and price tags must be designed in accordance with requirements. In addition, control measuring devices that meet standards must be installed in stores to verify the weight of products," he noted.

Y. Tapdigly emphasized that demanding from a consumer an amount different from that indicated on the product is a violation of their rights. He added that the Code of Administrative Offenses provides for measures of responsibility for deceiving consumers regarding the size, weight, and cost of goods. "According to the law, for deceiving consumers in small amounts, individuals can be fined from 350 to 500 manats, officials - from 1,500 to 2,000 manats, and legal entities - from 4,000 to 6,000 manats," he explained.

"Small-scale fraud is defined as an amount not exceeding 5,000 manats. If the amount exceeds this threshold, criminal liability ensues," added Y. Tapdigly.

This news edited with AI

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