Construction of Azerbaijan Quarter for Earthquake Victims Nears Completion in Turkey

Construction of Azerbaijan Quarter for Earthquake Victims Nears Completion in Turkey
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Construction of the Azerbaijani quarter is nearing completion in Turkey's Kahramanmaras, which was severely affected by the devastating earthquake on February 6, 2023.

As reported by, this information comes from the Haber Global TV channel in a segment dedicated to this topic.

The construction of houses in the new quarter is being carried out through joint efforts of the Turkish Housing Development Administration (TOKİ) and the State Housing Development Agency of Azerbaijan (MİDA).

The report shows the conditions created in the new housing units. Additionally, a park has been laid out for the future residents' recreation.

A total of 1,323 apartments have been built on the 320-hectare territory, creating 799 jobs.

Furthermore, 1,318 shops have been constructed, and the construction of 464 offices is near completion.

In the near future, the new apartments will be distributed among earthquake victims through a lottery system.

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