Scientists anxiously named the biggest threat to humanity

Scientists anxiously named the biggest threat to humanity
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A group of leading scientists from different countries has concluded that climate change is the most serious threat to humanity in the near future. According to them, rapid warming caused by human activity could lead to global catastrophes, including extreme weather events, food shortages, and mass migrations.

Experts warn that melting glaciers, rising sea levels, and ecosystem destruction are already leading to irreversible consequences. According to forecasts, if urgent measures are not taken, in the coming decades the world will face acute resource shortages and severe social upheavals.

"We are already seeing the first signs of a global crisis. It is urgent to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and implement environmentally friendly technologies," said one of the researchers.

In addition to climate change, scientists also highlight the development of artificial intelligence, the risk of global pandemics, and possible nuclear conflicts as serious threats. However, it is the ecological crisis that, in their opinion, poses the greatest danger, as it affects all spheres of life on the planet.

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