Named the only zodiac sign with the most negative karma

Astrologers claim that each zodiac sign carries a certain karmic burden, but one of them stands out with a particularly dark fate. According to esoteric practitioners, Scorpio is considered the most karmically challenging sign, as it is associated with transformation, destruction, and rebirth.
Representatives of this sign often face difficult life trials that seem predestined. The reason for this may be accumulated negative karma from past incarnations that requires atonement. Scorpios frequently experience betrayals, disappointments, and internal crises, which makes their life resemble a series of ups and downs.
However, astrologers emphasize that even the heaviest karma is not a sentence. If a Scorpio consciously chooses the path of goodness, sincerity, and forgiveness, they are capable of cleansing their destiny and transforming negative energies into a powerful source of strength and wisdom.
Whether to believe in karma or not is a personal choice for everyone. However, many Scorpios do acknowledge that their lives are full of mysteries and trials that require resilience and spiritual growth.
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