Cardiologists listed products that reduce the risk of heart disease

Every meal - breakfast, lunch, or dinner - has a direct impact on cholesterol levels, blood pressure, blood glucose concentration, and many other indicators. These factors play a decisive role in determining the likelihood of developing cardiovascular diseases.
Special attention should be paid to potassium. This mineral helps relax the walls of blood vessels, which leads to lower pressure. However, if your goal is to minimize the risk of stroke, start by limiting salt intake. A useful habit would be replacing industrial snacks with fresh fruits. Among foods high in potassium are avocados, bananas, sweet potatoes, spinach, and melon.
Fats and fiber also act as important allies in the fight against high cholesterol. Beneficial unsaturated fats are found in nuts, extra virgin olive oil, and fatty fish rich in omega-3 acids. Fiber can be obtained from various vegetables, fruits, as well as from brown rice, oats, and quinoa.
As for ultra-processed foods, specialists recommend gradually replacing them with healthier alternatives. Instead of canned soups or frozen pizza, prefer homemade pizza or dishes prepared from fresh ingredients, such as chili.
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