Blood type identified whose carriers were chosen by the Universe

Blood type identified whose carriers were chosen by the Universe
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Scientists and esoteric practitioners have long discussed the influence of blood type on character, health, and even human destiny. Among all groups, AB negative (AB-) draws special interest, being considered the rarest and most mysterious.

Less than 1% of people on the planet have this blood type, and they are often called "the chosen ones." It is believed that AB- carriers possess special intellectual abilities, developed intuition, and deep empathy. Some theories even suggest that this blood type might have "non-earthly" origins, linking it to ancient civilizations.

From a medical perspective, AB- individuals are in a difficult position: they can only receive blood from a limited number of donors, but their blood can save other equally rare individuals.

Whether they are truly "chosen" or if it's merely a coincidence remains an open question. However, the very fact of their rarity makes them unique in the eyes of both science and mysticism.

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