Hotel operations suspended in Baku

The State Fire Supervision Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations (MES) of Azerbaijan continues to take necessary measures to ensure fire safety in the country within its authority.
As reported to BAKU.WS by the press service of the MES, during an inspection conducted by the state service at the Rosemary Inn hotel, located at: Baku city, Nasimi district, Richard Zorge street, building 8, numerous fire safety violations were identified that posed a direct threat to human life and health, the environment, and the property interests of the state.
In particular:
- the facility does not have a fully installed automatic fire alarm system, and the existing equipment is not maintained by a licensed organization;
- the electrical system is not installed in accordance with the requirements of the "Rules for the installation of electrical equipment," including no preventive inspection of the electrical system and no measurement of the insulation resistance of cables and wires to voltage;
- the facility is not equipped with fire extinguishers and internal fire hydrants;
- flammable coverings are used at the facility, and wooden structures are not impregnated with fire-resistant solution;
- free opening of evacuation exit doors from rooms in the direction of exit is not ensured;
- there is no evacuation plan and no illuminated signs with the inscription "Exit" for people's evacuation;
- evacuation routes are blocked with combustible materials;
- no relevant documents are provided regarding the operational suitability of the existing ventilation system;
- no mandatory insurance policy for the facility's real estate is provided;
- the facility's operation has not been approved by the State Fire Supervision Service. Thus, the existing situation shows that continued operation of the facility could lead to a fire that would spread quickly and make tragedy inevitable.
Considering the above, a decision was made to suspend the operation of the specified hotel, where facts of gross violation of fire safety norms and rules were identified. One copy of the decision was handed to the facility's representative.
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