Were Stephen Hawking's words proven true?

Were Stephen Hawking's words proven true?
World 49

Stephen Hawking was born on January 8, 1942, in the English city of Oxford to Frank and Isabel Eileen Hawking.

As reported by BAKU.WS, during his school years, Stephen was not an excellent student, he even learned to read fluently only at the age of 8. Despite this, he showed a special interest in exact sciences. At 17, the active young man entered Oxford University College and became a member of the rowing club.

At one of the New Year's parties, Stephen met a girl named Jane Wilde. In 1963, when he was feeling happy, health problems began. Stephen, who often fell and constantly felt tired, went to a doctor, and was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

This disease, which gradually destroys the neurons responsible for limb movement, can lead to complete paralysis and death when it reaches the respiratory organs. When doctors told him that he had only 2-3 years to live, Stephen asked if the disease would affect his mind. The answer was:

"There is no effect on the brain, you will maintain clarity of thought until the end of your life." This news heavily affected the young scientist, he fell into depression and interrupted his scientific work. However, after seeing a child suffering from leukemia and living his last days in the hospital, Steve realized that his illness was not the end, and decided to fight. His beloved Jane, despite Steve's illness, got engaged to him. The couple married in 1965, and they had three children. Steve continued to live, but due to the progressive disease, he had to first move with a cane, and then in a wheelchair.

Despite this, Hawking continued to teach at Cambridge University and conduct scientific research on cosmic black holes. Stephen Hawking improved the hypothesis of mathematician Roger Penrose about the existence of a singular point with strong gravity in black holes, where time stops.

According to the theory, the universe was formed as a result of the explosion and expansion of this singular point. In 1970, confirming this hypothesis together with R. Penrose, Hawking played an important role in the development of the "Big Bang" theory. Despite all limitations, Hawking gave lectures in different countries. He saw confirmation of his hypothesis about the evaporation of black holes and their emission of rays into space.

In 2019, a photograph of a black hole and its glow was taken for the first time. Stephen Hawking died on March 14, 2018, at the age of 76. His funeral was attended by figures from science and art. The tombstone is engraved with the inscription "Here lies the ashes of Stephen Hawking" and his most famous equation.

More details in the Baku TV report:

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