The age at which irreversible brain degradation begins has been identified

The age at which irreversible brain degradation begins has been identified
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According to a new study, the critical period in brain aging occurs in middle age - between 40 and 60 years. Timely prevention can prevent or significantly limit the negative consequences of neurodegenerative processes. These conclusions were made by scientists from the State University of New York at Stony Brook, reports the Italian agency ANSA.

The study is based on the analysis of magnetic resonance imaging data from more than 19 thousand people. The results showed that brain aging does not occur evenly, but has two main stages: the first is observed at the age of 44-47 years, when the first signs of aging appear, and the second - at 62-67 years, when the process noticeably accelerates.

In the first stage, language skills decrease slightly, while mathematical abilities deteriorate more noticeably. Interestingly, people who regularly practice these skills do not show a decline in performance. Those who are predominantly engaged in physical labor begin to experience cognitive decline earlier and more prominently. However, researchers emphasize that this is not inevitable if a person devotes time to intellectual activities such as reading or solving puzzles in their free time.

The third stage of brain aging occurs at the age of 76-90 years. During this period, the destabilization of brain functions reaches its maximum. To counteract this process, specialists recommend regularly training cognitive abilities.

Scientists have established that the key mechanism of brain aging is metabolism, especially glucose metabolism - the main source of energy for the brain. The study showed that the first stage of aging is accompanied by a significant increase in the amount of hemoglobin associated with sugar molecules.

Such a connection is formed with an increased concentration of glucose in the blood and actually serves as an early indicator of the risk of developing diabetes. The second stage of brain aging is characterized by significant vascular changes, which primarily affect blood pressure.

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