Scientists Sound the Alarm: Important Profession May Cause Brain Cancer

Scientists Sound the Alarm: Important Profession May Cause Brain Cancer
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Scientists from Yale and California universities have discovered that contact with chemicals may increase the risk of brain cancer in firefighters. The study, published in the journal Cancer, showed that genetic mutations caused by exposure to toxic compounds contribute to the development of glioma – the most common malignant brain tumor.

As reported by BAKU.WS, the study involved 35 people who were diagnosed with glioma. Of these, 17 previously worked as firefighters, while 18 represented other professions. Participants provided biological samples for laboratory analysis so that scientists could identify genetic mutations associated with cancer.

Researchers found that exposure to chemical compounds leaves specific "mutational signatures" in DNA. They paid special attention to haloalkanes – substances that are components of fire retardants (fire protection agents), fire extinguishers, refrigerants, and other materials.

The results showed that firefighters with glioma were significantly more likely to have mutations associated with haloalkanes. These substances are widely used in firefighting, as well as in industries such as auto painting and vehicle maintenance.

Scientists emphasize that identifying mutagenic factors is necessary for developing public health strategies and reducing occupational risks.

This news edited with AI

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