Powerful solar flare: Will Earth face consequences?

On March 28, a solar flare of the strongest X-class occurred on the Sun.
As reported by BAKU.WS with reference to TASS, this information was presented by the Russian Institute of Applied Geophysics (FGBU "IPG").
According to the institute, the event was recorded at 18:20 Moscow time (19:20 Baku time) in the X-ray range (N05E81). The flare power was X1.1, and its duration was 41 minutes.
Solar flares are classified by their X-ray emission level into five categories: A, B, C, M, and X. The minimum level A0.0 corresponds to a power of 10 nanowatts per square meter in Earth's orbit. When transitioning to the next category, the power increases by a factor of 10.
Such phenomena are often accompanied by solar plasma ejections. When clouds of charged particles reach Earth, they can cause magnetic storms that may affect satellite communications, power systems, and even human well-being.
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