NASA scientists found probable evidence of life on Mars

NASA scientists found probable evidence of life on Mars
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NASA's Perseverance rover has made an intriguing discovery in the Jezero crater on Mars - unusual quartz rocks with characteristic black spots, resembling leopard print. This finding has sparked particular interest among American scientists, as similar structures on Earth often form with the participation of microorganisms.

Specialists conducted a remote chemical analysis of the Martian rock using the rover's equipment and found that the dark areas of the rocks are rich in iron and phosphorus, while the light fragments contain sulfur compounds. Researchers note that on our planet, such chemical combinations are usually the result of the activity of primitive life forms processing organic matter.

It is this similarity that prompted NASA scientists to propose a bold hypothesis that the "leopard" rocks could be evidence of the existence of microbes on the Red Planet in the past. However, specialists emphasize that these are only preliminary assumptions - more data is needed for final conclusions.

It's important to note that such structures can also form as a result of non-biological processes. To confirm the hypothesis about the existence of life on Mars, a more thorough study of samples is necessary. A promising sample has already been placed in a special compartment of Perseverance and is awaiting shipment to Earth for comprehensive analysis.

The discovery has caused significant resonance in the scientific community, especially considering that earlier in the Jezero crater, a rock was found that contained water for billions of years, making this place potentially suitable for the origin of life. NASA plans to deliver samples of Martian rocks to Earth in the coming years, which could help answer the fundamental question about the possibility of life on other planets, reports New Scientist.

Scientists from the University of Sheffield have proposed a new theory according to which white holes - areas where time and space begin anew - may be located at the centers of black holes.

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