In Baku it will be 24, in the regions 29 degrees warm - FORECAST FOR TOMORROW

Weather forecast for tomorrow has been released.
As reported by BAKU.WS with reference to the National Hydrometeorological Service, partly cloudy weather is expected in Baku and on the Absheron Peninsula, mostly without precipitation. In the evening, fog will form in some places. The southwest wind during the day will change to northwest.
The air temperature at night will be 7-12° warm, during the day 19-24° warm. Atmospheric pressure will rise from 763 mm Hg to 766 mm Hg. Relative humidity will be 60-70%.
It is expected that in the regions of Azerbaijan it will be mostly without precipitation, with fog in some places. An east wind will blow. The air temperature at night will be 7-12° warm, during the day 24-29° warm, in the mountains at night 3-8° warm, during the day 18-23° warm.
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