A method to diagnose prostate cancer faster has been found

A method to diagnose prostate cancer faster has been found
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An international group of scientists has established that high-frequency ultrasound (microUS) could become a new standard for prostate cancer diagnosis. According to research conducted by specialists from Canada, the USA, and Europe, biopsy performed with its help proved to be as accurate as MRI-guided biopsy. This discovery can significantly speed up disease diagnosis, reduce the number of hospital visits, and optimize medical resources. The results are published in the JAMA journal.

The study involved 677 patients divided into three groups: one underwent MRI-guided biopsy, another using microUS, and the third with a combined method. The results showed that microUS can detect prostate cancer with the same accuracy as MRI biopsy, even without supplementing it with other methods.

Advantages of the new method

  • Accessibility – the procedure is cheaper and simpler than MRI.

  • Efficiency – diagnosis can be conducted in a single visit.

  • No limitations – microUS is suitable for patients with metal implants and pacemakers, for whom MRI is contraindicated.

According to Professor Lawrence Klotz from the University of Toronto, microUS could become a revolutionary breakthrough in diagnostics, similar to how MRI did previously. The new method will allow biopsies to be performed faster and more efficiently, as well as free up MRI machines for other patients.

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