The State Road Police addressed drivers regarding unstable weather conditions

The State Road Police addressed drivers regarding unstable weather conditions
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The Main Traffic Police Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs addressed drivers regarding unstable weather conditions.

According to, the statement says that according to the National Hydrometeorological Service, weather changes are expected from February 5 to 8, with occasional precipitation and snow expected in mountainous and foothill areas.

It is noted that considering the increased probability of road icing in some mountainous areas during night and morning hours, drivers are asked to take necessary precautions, not to drive vehicles that are not seasonally equipped and technically unsafe, to plan trips during daylight hours when possible, and inexperienced drivers should avoid driving.

"Considering the likelihood of slipping on snowy, icy roads, pedestrians are also advised to be careful, not to step onto the roadway, and strictly follow safety rules," the message emphasizes.

This news edited with AI

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