In Azerbaijan, a meteorite landed in the yard of a famous TV presenter

In Azerbaijan, a meteorite landed in the yard of a famous TV presenter
Society 48

In Azerbaijan, a meteorite landed in the garden of famous TV presenter Leyla Mustafayeva.

As reported by, the TV presenter herself shared the incident on her social media.

"An asteroid, comet, or let those who know write the correct name, that fell into my yard at night" - commented the presenter while holding the celestial body.

Meteorites (meteoroids that reach Earth's surface after entering the atmosphere) fall to Earth more frequently than comets. Their density varies depending on size. About 100 tons of meteoroid dust and small particles enter Earth's atmosphere daily, but they burn up in the atmosphere. During the year, approximately 500-1000 meteorites reach Earth's surface, but most of them fall into seas or uninhabited territories.

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