Gas supply will be temporarily suspended in two districts of Baku

Gas supply will be temporarily suspended in two districts of Baku
Society 13

Temporary gas supply interruption expected in Sabunchi and Binagadi districts of the capital.

As reported to, on January 30, 2024, starting from 10:00, gas supply will be suspended due to several reasons:

- elimination of gas leak on the "Buzovna 1-97" line;

- relocation of "Bilgah-1" gas pipeline section to a safe zone due to the construction of new Pirshagi-Novkhany-Khirdalan-M4 highway;

- connection of a multi-story residential building at 37 S.S.Akhundov Street in Binagadi district to gas supply.

The temporary gas shutdown will affect the following areas:

In Sabunchi district:

- Nardaran and Pirshagi settlements

- Bilgah settlement

- Lahij gardens

- Sovkhoz residential area in Pirshagi settlement

In Binagadi district:

- S.S.Akhundov, A.Kunanbayev, Aydinbekov, I.Hajiyev streets

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