SOCAR launched a new compliance training program

The State Oil Company of Azerbaijan (SOCAR) has launched a new compliance training program, thereby confirming its commitment to international experience and high ethical principles.
As reported by BAKU.WS, the president of SOCAR, vice presidents, as well as heads of structural divisions and subsidiaries participated in the first session of the program organized by The Consultant Global company.
The trainings cover issues of forming a compliance culture, requirements of the updated SOCAR Code of Business Ethics and Conduct, as well as other internal documents aligned with international practice. The sessions are conducted in an interactive format with an emphasis on discussing practical situations and regulating internal business processes.
Within the framework of the new system, special attention is paid to preventing corruption, identifying violations of ethical standards, and establishing transparent rules for interaction with third parties. The program covers employees not only of the head office but also of all SOCAR structures.
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