Scientists discover unexpected way to clear skin of aging cells

Scientists discover unexpected way to clear skin of aging cells
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Scientists from Boston University School of Medicine have discovered that the drug ABT-263 can accelerate skin recovery by removing aging cells that slow down healing. The study was published in the journal Aging.

With age, tissues accumulate cells that have lost their ability to function normally, which impedes regeneration. This is particularly problematic in the healing of skin injuries.

The researchers studied the effects of the senolytic drug ABT-263 on skin recovery in elderly mice. This substance inhibits BCL-2 family proteins, triggering apoptosis (programmed death of defective cells), and is used in lymphatic tissue diseases.

Experiments showed that topical application of ABT-263 promotes effective removal of aging cells and significantly accelerates wound healing. By day 24 of therapy, the skin had fully recovered in 80% of the test mice, while in the control group this figure was 56%.

Scientists noted that the drug caused temporary inflammation, which activated regeneration processes. Additionally, it promoted enhanced collagen production and growth of new blood vessels.

Despite the positive results, additional research will be needed to confirm the safety and effectiveness of the method in humans. In the future, ABT-263 could be used to treat poorly healing wounds in elderly patients.

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