Named the only zodiac sign that has no character

Named the only zodiac sign that has no character
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Astrologers have named the most changeable zodiac sign, whose representatives are famous for their inconsistency and flexibility of character. According to experts, Gemini holds the palm in this matter.

Those born under this sign are distinguished by rapid changes in mood, views, and even life priorities. They can hardly be called people with a "firm" position - today they may support one opinion, and tomorrow completely change their point of view.

According to astrologers, Geminis easily adapt to any circumstances, but this very trait makes them unpredictable in the eyes of others. They are often accused of being flighty and lacking a clear character, however, the representatives of the sign themselves consider their changeability an advantage that allows them to easily find common ground with different people and successfully adapt to new conditions.

Whether such a trait should be considered a flaw, or if it's a talent for quickly adapting to reality - remains an open question.

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