Immunologist explained how to distinguish rotavirus from poisoning

Immunologist explained how to distinguish rotavirus from poisoning
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Many people, when faced with digestive disorders, rush to diagnose themselves with "food poisoning." However, specialists warn: symptoms resembling poisoning often hide rotavirus infection. An experienced immunologist Vladimir Bolibok told Russian media about how to correctly distinguish between these two conditions.

- Rotavirus is an intestinal infection that develops gradually. Poisoning occurs immediately if, for example, a person ate something wrong. There are different concepts - intestinal poisoning and foodborne toxicoinfection, - emphasized the specialist.

The expert explained that rotavirus belongs to a group of intestinal infections caused by highly pathogenic microorganisms. In turn, foodborne toxicoinfection occurs in situations when a person consumes products in which pathogenic bacteria have actively multiplied, for example, staphylococcus in cottage cheese or sour cream. With classic poisoning, the body reacts to the consumption of poor-quality food with a complex of symptoms: nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, concluded Bolibok.

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