An asteroid the size of a pyramid is hurtling toward Earth

An asteroid the size of a pyramid is hurtling toward Earth
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On Wednesday, March 26, asteroid TN17, discovered in 2014, will make its closest approach to Earth in the last 100 years. Despite being classified by NASA as a "potentially hazardous" object due to its impressive size and regular approaches to our planet, specialists assure - there is no threat of collision.

Live Science reports about this.

The cosmic visitor, about 165 meters in size - exceeding the height of the famous Great Pyramid of Giza - will race past Earth at a distance of approximately 5.1 million kilometers (which is 13 times farther than the Moon's orbit) at a colossal speed of more than 77,000 kilometers per hour. According to NASA calculations, this will be the asteroid's closest approach to our planet until 2200.

Despite its impressive dimensions, the celestial body will remain inaccessible for observation with the naked eye or through amateur telescopes. However, scientists won't miss this rare opportunity and plan to study the asteroid in detail using the powerful Goldstone Solar System Radar (GSSR) complex in California, which will provide valuable data about its orbit, speed, and shape.

According to specialists' estimates, a collision with such an asteroid could theoretically wipe an entire city off the face of the Earth. However, in the case of TN17, there is no cause for alarm: the trajectory of the cosmic object poses no threat to our planet either now or in the foreseeable future.

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