Weather forecasters predict thunderstorms and hail - WARNING

In Baku and on the Absheron Peninsula on March 22, variable cloudiness is expected, occasionally overcast, with short-term precipitation forecasted in some areas at night and in the morning.
As reported to BAKU.WS by the National Hydrometeorological Service, rain intensification and thunderstorms are possible in some areas of the peninsula.
During the day, precipitation will mostly cease. Moderate northwestern wind will occasionally intensify.
The air temperature at night will be 4-7° above zero, during the day 8-13° above zero. Atmospheric pressure will be at 765 mm of mercury. Relative humidity will be 70-80%.
Precipitation is also expected in the regions of Azerbaijan. In some places, intense rains, thunderstorms, hail are forecasted, and in some mountainous areas, snow is possible, with occasional fog. The western wind will periodically intensify in some places.
The air temperature at night will be 3-7° above zero, during the day 7-11° above zero, in the mountains at night 2-7° below zero, during the day 0-5° above zero.
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