Weather forecast in Azerbaijan for March 16

In Baku and on the Absheron Peninsula on March 16, variable cloudiness is expected, occasionally overcast, mostly without precipitation.
This was reported by BAKU.WS with reference to the National Hydrometeorological Service of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Azerbaijan.
Fog is expected in some places at night and in the morning.
A moderate south-easterly wind will prevail. The air temperature at night will be 7-12 degrees, during the day 19-24 degrees above zero. Atmospheric pressure will decrease from 765 to 761 mm of mercury. Relative humidity will be 60-70%.
In the regions of Azerbaijan, mostly without precipitation, fog will be observed in some places at times. An easterly wind will prevail.
The air temperature at night will be 8-12 degrees, during the day 25-30 degrees above zero, in the mountains at night 3-8 degrees, during the day 20-25 degrees above zero.
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