Weather forecast for Azerbaijan for tomorrow has been released

Weather forecast for Azerbaijan for tomorrow has been released
Society 34

According to the National Hydrometeorological Service, variable cloudiness is expected in Baku and the Absheron Peninsula, with occasionally overcast weather. Precipitation is unlikely, however short-term rain is possible in some places at night and in the morning. The wind will be north-western, moderate.

The air temperature will be:

  • at night +4…+7°C,

  • during the day +8…+13°C.

Atmospheric pressure will be above normal - 771 mm Hg. Air humidity at night will reach 70-80%, during the day it will decrease to 55-60%.

Weather conditions in the regions

No precipitation is forecasted in most parts of the country, however short-term rains are possible in the eastern regions at night and in the morning, with thunderstorms and hail in some places. Fog is also possible. The wind will be western, moderate.

Temperature regime:

  • in lowland areas at night +3…+7°C, during the day +12…+17°C,

  • in the mountains at night -5…-10°C, during the day 0…+5°C.

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