Sudden cardiac arrests: what's behind the alarming statistics in Azerbaijan?

Sudden cardiac arrests: what's behind the alarming statistics in Azerbaijan?
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Society 14

Recently, there has been an increase in cases of sudden cardiac death in Azerbaijan.

This alarming trend affects not only elderly and sick people but also the younger generation. Various opinions are circulating in society about a possible connection between COVID-19 vaccines and sudden cardiac arrests.

What causes sudden cardiac arrest in people with no cardiac history? How justified are claims about the connection between COVID-19 vaccination and heart attacks? How can we protect the heart from sudden arrest?

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Adil Geybulla answered questions from According to him, the increase in heart attacks is associated with several factors. "There is certainly a connection with the COVID-19 pandemic, however, a direct link to vaccination is absurd and unfounded rumors that have no scientific confirmation," the expert emphasizes.

"Leading medical centers worldwide constantly conduct research on the consequences of both COVID-19 itself and vaccination. If such a connection existed, they would certainly have reported it. Therefore, instead of believing rumors, it's necessary to take real measures," notes the doctor.

The specialist primarily associates sudden cardiac arrest with an unhealthy lifestyle, overeating, and lack of physical activity:

"It should be noted that recently people have become more sedentary and consume excessive amounts of food. Restaurants and banquet halls operate mainly in the evening, where people overeat and then immediately go to sleep without any physical activity. There is an imbalance between consumed and expended calories. Excess nutrients accumulate in the body, cholesterol levels rise. This leads to vessel blockage, their calcification, and, consequently, to cardiac and brain ischemia."

One cause of sudden death is a phenomenon known as electrical cardiac arrest. Metabolic disorders and stress can cause serious heart problems. As a result, the heart's electrical conductivity is disrupted, and impulses don't reach the heart muscle, which can lead to its failure.

People who are overweight and lead a sedentary lifestyle often develop thromboembolisms. Detached blood clots in the legs can block the pulmonary artery, leading to sudden death, notes A. Geybulla.

According to the specialist, the main task today is the public health program:

"It's necessary to develop mass sports, maintain moderate nutrition, and move more. This is the main way to prevent sudden heart attacks. It's important to convey this information to people."

Global statistics show that cardiovascular diseases remain one of the main causes of mortality on a global scale. According to the World Health Organization, about 10 million people die annually from ischemic heart disease.

According to international statistics, Azerbaijan holds leading positions in mortality from cardiovascular diseases among men per 100,000 population. In 2021, 54% of all deaths in the country (41,708 people) were related to these diseases.

Over the past 10 years, certain changes have been observed in the overall mortality rate in Azerbaijan. In January-September 2024, 43,932 deaths were registered in the country, which amounts to 5.7 deaths per 1,000 people. This indicator remained unchanged in 2002 and 2015.

Banu Huseynli

This news edited with AI

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