First case of incurable EVALI disease detected in Russia

First case of incurable EVALI disease detected in Russia
World 131

The first case of vaper's disease has been identified in Russia. EVALI, which the medical community characterizes as a rare and incurable disease that modern medicine has not yet learned to effectively combat, has been detected in Russian teenagers - reports SHOT.

According to the Telegram channel, the sad primacy in the country for the so-called "popcorn" disease belongs to teenagers from Tomsk. One of the young men has been officially diagnosed with EVALI, while doctors identified signs of toxic effects of smoking mixtures on the central nervous system in the second. Notably, the dangerous disease was detected during a standard auscultation of the lungs - doctors recorded a characteristic sound resembling popping popcorn.

EVALI was first identified in 2019 in the USA. This serious disease affects the bronchioles and manifests as inflammation with subsequent formation of scar tissue, which leads to severe health consequences. The cause of the disease is vaping, as the liquids for vapes contain substances that are extremely dangerous for the body. Earlier, Super publication released a detailed article about the risks associated with electronic cigarettes and similar smoking devices.

Medical research shows that health problems caused by vaping have much in common with the consequences of smoking traditional tobacco: not only the lungs suffer, but also the nervous and cardiovascular systems, which significantly increases the likelihood of heart attack and stroke. The destructive effect of vapes on lung tissue is confirmed by American statistics. In 2020, American centers for disease control and prevention recorded a sharp increase in cases related to lung injuries (2,807 cases) and deaths (68 deaths) due to vape use.

Medical examinations of the victims revealed that the main factor of negative impact on the lungs was vitamin E acetate, which is a component of vaping liquids.

This news edited with AI

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