Bill Gates named only three professions that AI will not replace

Bill Gates named only three professions that AI will not replace
World 403

Microsoft founder Bill Gates expressed the opinion that artificial intelligence will significantly change the labor market in the foreseeable future, displacing humans from many areas - from industrial production to the agricultural sector.

Nevertheless, according to the technological visionary's belief, there are at least three professional spheres that will retain their "human" essence.

First and foremost, these are programmers. Despite the rapid development of artificial intelligence systems, it is human specialists who will have a deep understanding of the principles of AI operation and the ability to correct emerging errors. "Giving up learning programming because of the emergence of AI is like not learning multiplication because calculators exist," Gates emphasized.

The second area protected from automation is biology. Although artificial intelligence demonstrates impressive results in DNA analysis and medical diagnostics, real scientific breakthroughs still require unique human thinking, intuition, and creative approach.

The third sphere impregnable to AI is energy. According to Gates, this industry is characterized by extreme complexity and multi-level structure, which makes complete automation practically impossible.

Interestingly, the billionaire also made a bold assumption that due to the widespread implementation of artificial intelligence, people in the future will be able to reduce the work week to 2-3 days. Humanity will be able to direct the freed-up time to creative self-realization or full-fledged rest - if, of course, technology does not find a way to occupy this niche as well.

This news edited with AI

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