Two main beneficial properties of strawberries named

Scientists from San Diego State University made an important discovery: regular consumption of strawberries significantly increases the body's antioxidant protection and notably improves episodic memory. The results of this breakthrough study were published in the scientific journal Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases (NCDM).
People over 65 years old with excess weight and obesity (body mass index from 25 to 40 kg/m²) participated in the large-scale experiment. It's important to note that at the beginning of the study, the volunteers did not have memory problems, hypertension, or other cardiovascular diseases. Participants were divided into two groups: one received a placebo, while the second received a specially developed freeze-dried strawberry drink.
The strawberry drink contained an increased concentration of polyphenols - powerful natural compounds known for their ability to protect cells from damage caused by unstable molecules and effectively fight inflammatory processes. The dose of freeze-dried strawberries in the drink was carefully calculated and corresponded to two standard servings of fresh berries.
The study lasted eight weeks, during which participants regularly underwent comprehensive cognitive function testing and gave blood for detailed laboratory analysis.
The results obtained were impressive. Subjects who consumed the strawberry drink showed a moderate increase in cognitive processing speed and a decrease in systolic blood pressure. However, the most significant effect was a substantial increase in the body's antioxidant protection - a key ability to resist cell oxidation by reactive oxygen species (ROS). Additionally, participants in the strawberry group showed notably improved episodic memory - a crucial brain function responsible for recording and reproducing personal events and impressions.
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