Nutritionist named the spice that reduces the risk of overeating

Nutritionist named the spice that reduces the risk of overeating
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In type 2 diabetes, the body faces a serious problem: insulin loses its ability to enter the bloodstream independently. This not only negatively affects health but also provokes uncontrolled overeating. However, the solution might be simpler than it seems. In a conversation with "Evening Moscow," nutritionist Elena Solomatina discussed the unexpected properties of cinnamon in fighting this problem.

"When a cell doesn't receive insulin, it sends a hunger signal to the brain. This causes cravings for sweets: candies, cookies, and buns. Cinnamon has a unique ability to help deliver insulin to the cell," explains the specialist.

According to the nutritionist, the problem worsens with the development of insulin resistance and prediabetic conditions, when controlling overeating becomes particularly difficult.

Cinnamon acts as a natural conductor, helping glucose reach receptors and facilitating insulin access to cells. "Adding cinnamon to food reduces the craving for sweets, as the spice contributes to more effective insulin delivery," emphasizes Solomatina.

The expert notes that this mechanism not only stimulates brain function and increases energy levels but also helps control appetite.

However, it's important to remember moderation: the specialist warns that excessive consumption of cinnamon can cause unwanted reactions from the immune system and gastrointestinal tract.

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