Named an unexpected way to extend youth

Regular sauna visits help maintain health and can positively affect life expectancy, according to longevity expert Nathan Price. He discussed the benefits of this procedure for the body in an interview with HuffPost.
Price noted that while sauna visits are often perceived as a regular spa procedure, scientific data indicate its deeper impact on the body. "A 2015 study showed that men who visited the sauna 4-7 times a week had a lower risk of heart disease and early death - important factors for longevity," the expert said.
According to Price, systematic sauna visits have a beneficial effect on blood vessels and help reduce inflammatory processes in the body.
The specialist explained the mechanism of action: heat activates blood circulation, helps reduce blood pressure, and has an effect comparable to cardio training. "Heat stress mimics ancient habits that can trick the body into aging more slowly," Price concluded.
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