Weather forecasters reported on the weather in Baku and regions on March 13

In Baku and on the Absheron Peninsula on March 13, variable cloudiness is expected, at times the sky will be overcast with clouds, but precipitation is mostly not anticipated.
As reported to BAKU.WS by the National Hydrometeorological Service, temporary fog is expected in some areas during the night and morning.
A moderate south-easterly wind will blow. The air temperature at night will be 3-7° above zero, during the day 13-18° above zero. Atmospheric pressure will be above normal and will be 765 mm of mercury. Relative humidity at night will be 70-80%, during the day 60-65%.
In the regions of Azerbaijan, the weather is expected to be mostly without precipitation. Temporary fog will be observed in some places, a moderate easterly wind will blow. The air temperature at night will be 4-9° above zero, during the day 20-25° above zero, in mountainous areas at night 2-7° above zero, during the day 12-17° above zero.
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