Weather forecast for Azerbaijan for tomorrow has been released

Weather forecast for Azerbaijan for tomorrow has been released
Society 36

Starting tomorrow, an increase in air temperature up to 18° is expected in Azerbaijan.

This was reported by the National Hydrometeorological Service.

On March 26, variable cloudiness is expected in Baku and the Absheron Peninsula, mostly without precipitation. A north-western wind will prevail, which will change to south-eastern during the day.

The air temperature at night will be 4-7, during the day - 10-15° above zero. Atmospheric pressure will drop from 770 to 765 mm of mercury. Relative humidity at night will be 70-80, during the day - 60-65%.

The regions of Azerbaijan will also be without precipitation, fog is possible in some places. An eastern wind will prevail. The air temperature at night will be 4-7, during the day - 13-18° above zero, in the mountains at night - 3-8° below zero, during the day - 3-8° above zero.

This news edited with AI

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