To which countries was the most money transferred from Azerbaijan?

To which countries was the most money transferred from Azerbaijan?
Society 16

In 2024, a total of 526,759,000 dollars was transferred abroad by individuals from Azerbaijan.

This was reported to BAKU.WS by the Central Bank.

According to the information, during the specified period, the most money was transferred to Turkey. This amount totaled 151,837,000 dollars for the year.

The United States of America and the Russian Federation completed the top three. Thus, individuals transferred 60,425,000 dollars to the USA and 57,988,000 dollars to Russia during the period from January to December.

Compared to 2023, although there was a decrease in money transfers by individuals to Russia, there was an increase in the amounts sent to Turkey and the USA. During the specified period, 74,184,000 dollars were transferred to Russia, and 146,140,000 dollars and 54,801,000 dollars to Turkey and the USA respectively.

In total, 550,126,000 dollars were transferred in 2023. This is 4.44% more than in 2024.

This news edited with AI

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