The reason for the foggy weather in Azerbaijan has been revealed

The reason for the foggy weather in Azerbaijan has been revealed
Society 168

The foggy weather observed in the country in recent days is an expected atmospheric phenomenon due to synoptic conditions.

As reported by BAKU.WS, this was announced by the National Hydrometeorological Service in response to an APA inquiry.

"The formation of inversion fog mainly depends on temperature distribution. Normally, in standard atmospheric conditions, air temperature decreases with increasing altitude. However, in conditions called inversion, this rule is violated, and temperature increases with altitude. As a result, favorable conditions are created for fog formation within slow-moving air masses," – the statement notes.

It is reported that foggy weather is observed mainly in the morning and evening hours. During the daytime, the increase in ground temperature leads to some dissipation of the fog. The weak south-eastern air flows prevailing for several days contribute to the duration of the fog.

It is noted that the foggy weather observed in the country will persist until March 14.

This news edited with AI

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