In Azerbaijan, these individuals will be provided with free housing

In Azerbaijan, these individuals will be provided with free housing
Society 4

President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev signed amendments to the Housing Code of the country, aimed at expanding citizens' access to state and municipal housing stock. According to the changes, certain categories of citizens will be able to receive housing based on social rental agreements.

As reported by BAKU.WS, economist-deputy Vugar Bayramov announced this on his social media account.

According to him, state support in providing free housing extends to families of martyrs, war veterans, citizens with disabilities due to the Chernobyl disaster, as well as persons who have lost their parents. The new amendments provide for registering families in need and providing them with housing based on social rental agreements, which will significantly increase the accessibility of social housing.

In addition, the changes affect Article 48 of the Housing Code, which regulates the provision of housing under social rental agreements. According to the new rules, citizens can be registered as in need of housing only once to receive accommodation from the state housing fund.

This news edited with AI

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