How did the head of the company deceive citizens?

How did the head of the company deceive citizens?
Society 11

Citizens contacted Baku TV, reporting that the head of one of the educational companies, Firudin Javadov, deceived them under the guise of organizing distance learning in Turkey.

According to one of the complainants, Javadov did not transfer the annual tuition fee to the university, which he had received from her. He even took an additional amount, promising assistance with passing an exam.

Another complainant claims that during the exam, she found out that she was not registered at the university.

"He gave me a student ID and demanded payment from me. He also demanded payment for exams, saying that they supposedly had to be taken not in Turkey, but in Baku. I paid for the first semester of the second year, but I couldn't study. When I asked, he said that there was a problem in the system. In total, I lost 2,100 manats," the victim said.

It should be noted that reports have repeatedly appeared in the press that Firudin Javadov deceived various people and misappropriated their money. Baku TV contacted him to clarify the situation. The head of the company rejected what was said about him, stating that it was a lie.

More details in the video material.

This news edited with AI

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