The Hawk's Beak of the "Dove of Peace"

Despite the apparent advancement of the negotiation process between Armenia and Azerbaijan to the final stage, the actual finish line is still very far away. The diplomats of the two countries have indeed completed most of the work - the text of the treaty, the signing of which will truly be a historic moment, has been fully agreed upon. And, importantly, this work was done without any mediators.
As reported by BAKU.WS, this is stated in the latest issue of the analytical YouTube project Caliber.
"The agreement on the text is indeed one of the most difficult parts of the entire process, and we can note with satisfaction its completion. However, we all remember very well that long before reaching agreement on all points of the treaty, Azerbaijan, as the party that suffered aggression and occupation, in other words, the victim party in this conflict, demanded quite reasonable guarantees for itself that this entire story would not be repeated in the future. And it can and even should be understood! After all, at the end of the eighties, the conflict around Armenian claims to Karabakh erupted far from the first time," the material states.
More details in the video:
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