The Key to Eternal Youth? Japanese Scientists Made an Amazing Discovery

The Key to Eternal Youth? Japanese Scientists Made an Amazing Discovery
World 17

Researchers from Osaka University, having studied the role of the AP2A1 protein in the aging process, announced a significant step towards solving the mystery of immortality! "Vechernyaya Moskva" found out the details of this potentially revolutionary discovery.

According to the latest data, a specific protein AP2A1 acts as a key factor in the aging of the organism. In young cells, it actively stimulates aging processes. However, Japanese scientists made an astonishing discovery: when this protein is removed from old cells, a real miracle happens – they begin to rejuvenate!

Taming old "zombies"

The study showed that with age, so-called "zombie cells" (in scientific terminology – senescent cells) inevitably accumulate in every person's body. These cells stop dividing but continue to exist, releasing inflammatory substances. This process becomes a catalyst for the development of serious age-related diseases, including arthritis and Alzheimer's disease.

Japanese researchers made a real breakthrough, discovering that the AP2A1 protein plays a critically important role in maintaining the structure of these "zombie cells." Surprisingly, when the level of this protein decreases, senescent cells not only decrease in size but also resume division, effectively restoring the young characteristics of the organism.

The head of scientific communications at the Russian Medical Genetics Center, Candidate of Biological Sciences Ekaterina Surkova emphasizes that although complete victory over aging has not yet been achieved, this discovery is of enormous importance for the development of modern medicine.

- Despite the fact that the work was conducted only on cells outside the body, this can contribute to further understanding of aging mechanisms and provide direction for drug development, - Ekaterina Surkova comments on the scientists' work for "Vechernyaya Moskva".

There's always a catch

However, the scientific community maintains healthy skepticism. A number of researchers approach the discovery with caution, reminding that senescent cells perform a crucial protective function, preventing uncontrolled growth of other cells. In addition, there is a lack of data on the functioning of this protein in cells inside the human body, since experiments were conducted exclusively in laboratory conditions.

- Of course, it is necessary to conduct additional research on various models and check whether the reduction of this protein actually affects the manifestations of aging in cells of different organs or the effect is observed only in cell culture. After all, the body is a complex system of interacting cells, and it is not always possible to recreate all its complexity in laboratory conditions, - noted Ekaterina Surkova.

The discovery of Japanese scientists undoubtedly opens up exciting prospects in the fight against aging processes. However, it is premature to claim that the key to eternal youth has already been found. Nevertheless, it is quite possible that researchers from Osaka are just one step away from solving this most ancient mystery of humanity.

This news edited with AI

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