What foods do people who live to 100 years eat: TOP-10

What foods do people who live to 100 years eat: TOP-10
This is interesting 10

Long-livers around the world follow a special diet that helps them maintain health and activity until 100 years and even longer. Research has shown that nutrition plays a key role in extending life.

Here are 10 foods that most often appear in the diet of long-living people.

1. Legumes

Beans, lentils, chickpeas, and peas are rich in fiber, protein, and antioxidants. They support heart health and help control blood sugar levels.

2. Leafy green vegetables

Spinach, kale, arugula, and other greens are packed with vitamins and minerals that strengthen immunity and slow down aging processes.

3. Olive oil

This product is a source of healthy fats and antioxidants that protect blood vessels and the heart, as well as reduce the risk of inflammatory processes in the body.

4. Nuts

Walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, and other nuts are rich in healthy fats, proteins, and vitamins. Eating a handful of nuts a day is enough to strengthen the cardiovascular system.

5. Whole grain products

Quinoa, brown rice, oatmeal, and whole grain bread provide the body with energy, improve digestion, and reduce the risk of diabetes.

6. Yogurt and fermented products

Natural yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, and kimchi are rich in probiotics that support gut and immune system health.

7. Berries

Blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, and other berries contain powerful antioxidants that slow down cell aging and protect the brain from age-related changes.

8. Fish

Salmon, mackerel, sardines, and other fatty fish are rich in omega-3 fatty acids that reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases and improve brain function.

9. Garlic

This product has powerful anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, strengthens immunity, and reduces the risk of heart disease.

10. Tea and coffee

Moderate consumption of green tea and coffee helps protect the brain, improves metabolism, and reduces the risk of chronic diseases.

These products are not just healthy - they help extend youth and activity. Including them in your diet can significantly increase your chances of a long and healthy life!

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