The 2 Zodiac Signs Closest to God Named

The 2 Zodiac Signs Closest to God Named
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Astrologers have identified two zodiac signs that, in their opinion, possess a special spiritual connection and attraction to higher powers. These signs more often than others strive for self-knowledge, inner harmony, and follow spiritual values.

Pisces – this zodiac sign is famous for its high intuition, empathy, and deep faith. Pisces often turn to spiritual practices, meditation, and philosophical reflections on the meaning of life. They feel the subtle energies of the world and often choose the path of serving others.

Sagittarius – the sign of truth and wisdom seekers. Sagittarians strive to understand the Universe, explore religion, philosophy, and moral principles. Their attraction to higher knowledge makes them one of the most spiritual representatives of the zodiac.

Experts note that spirituality does not depend only on the zodiac sign but is formed under the influence of upbringing, life experience, and personal beliefs. However, Pisces and Sagittarius truly stand out with their ability to feel divine presence and strive for the higher meaning of life.

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